Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sunday Setlist 01-20-13 and The Co-Host

I'll tell you about our Sunday services in a minute, but before I do...

Have you ever had an idea that didn't work out exactly like you expected? A few years ago I attempted to record a video blog with my 3 year old son, Gavin. The final result that I posted can be seen ...Oh wait. It can't be seen. I never actually finished the video. But the first couple tries at filming are below..

Fast forward 3 1/2 years and that gets us to current day. So now here's a recap of our services this week. It was a bit of an unusual day today.
  • Our bass guitarist was out of town.
  • Our fill-in bass guitarist was out of town.
  • Our youth ministry was out of town at a retreat.
  • Our PowerPoint volunteer for the day was even out of town.
How in the world would we solve these problems? Easy.
  1. Our percussion guy played the bass line on tympani. Seriously. You haven't heard a good bass line until you've heard it on tympani. Well, "good" might be a stretch but it worked.
  2. Get a PowerPoint volunteer from another week to fill in. But since she's supposed to also be doing Children's church, allow her to head that way during the message and get our baritone player to run PowerPoint during the last couple songs. Easy, right? Clearly Nathan thinks so...
Actually, he didn't mind pulling double duty at all. It was his idea. I think his look is more about the fact that I'm taking the pic.

Even with these interesting situations, it was a good day.

Knowing that our students would be out, I planned the service to lean a little more traditional in style because of the crowd I knew we'd have. Here's what it looked like...
Crown Him With Many Crowns (Hymn with slightly updated arrangement)
Your Name (Paul Baloche)
Blessed Assurance (Hymn)
Worthy Is The Lamb (Darlene Zschech)
Offertory Prayer
Choir Special: Here I Am To Worship (Tim Hughes)
Amazing Love (You Are My King) (Billy Foote)
I Have Decided To Follow Jesus (hymn)
Blessed Assurance. (Hymn)
Do you think a worship leader should put together a service based on who will likely attend and their worship style? Or should a church stick with a certain style every Sunday regardless of the attenders? What say you?

Also, isn't Gavin the cutest thing ever?
What say you?

This post is part of the Sunday Setlists that can be seen at The Worship Community.  Go there to see what other churches are doing and maybe even submit your own service.

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